Wednesday, May 14, 2008


How to Determine Priorities

Below are three Rs. They will help you start to find out where your focus should be. Knowing your priorities then will help you schedule your time better. Ask yourself these questions and see if they help you.

  • Reward: What gives me the greatest joy? Finally, as you sort through your personal priorities, look of the element of personal fulfillment. There is deep satisfaction in doing what you are gifted, and perhaps even "called" to do. There is nothing easier than not finding time to do the things you don't want to do.
  • Requirement: What is required of me? When you feel overwhelmed by obligations, stop and sort out your "must dos" from your "choose to dos" Our obligations in life are the biggest priorities we have, but more often than not, you will find that you really do not have to do many things; you choose to do them. Simply ask: what must I do? What is required of me here?
  • Results: What gives the greatest return? When sorting our priorities, ask the question: What brings the greatest results when I do it? You should spend most of your time working in the area of your greatest strength. He is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is wiser still who from among the things he can do well, chooses and follows the best. Find your gift and capitalize your time using it.

Checklist for making decisions

  • Is this consistent with my priorities?
  • Is this within my area of competence?
  • Can someone else do it better?
  • What do my trusted friends say?

Too Much On Your Plate? How to Say "No" Gracefully

Many times the problem we have is not that we have much to do, but moreso that other people have too much they think we should do. In times like this, when the task would not further your goal you need to just say "no." However, many times, the way you say no is just as important as when you say it.

  • Say no to the proposition - not to the person. Make sure the person understands that you are not rejecting them, just what they want you to do. Try giving them an affirmation about what they are doing, but that it just doesn't' fit in with the things you need to accomplish.

  • Respond in terms of the best interest of the person asking. Make sure the person knows that you are not just blowing them off, but that you genuinely want to help them. Communicate that your time constraints would actually prevent you from doing the kind of work they deserve.

  • Defer creatively. Come up with an alternative. Think of some what that would help them complete their task. Give them confidence that they can do it, or that you can help find someone who will. This will aid them in finding a solution to their problem.

Making the Most of Your Time

  • Make "to do" lists: Write out what you want to accomplish.

  • Set your priorities: After you make a list, find the most important things in that list and put them at the top.

  • Avoid perfectionism: Don't aim to do something perfectly if it ties up too much time and paralyzes you from progress. Do things with excellence, but perfectionism may be an extreme you need to avoid.

  • Question everything: Don't allow any "sacred cows" to keep you from eliminating items from your calendar and "to do" lists. If it doesn't work, get rid of it.

  • Welcome tension: Stressing out about something doesn't' get you any closer to completing your goal. Have the understanding that tension is a part of life. Many times however, tension can actually improve your focus and enable you to complete the job more effectively.

  • Avoid clutter: Clutter will just get in the way of what you are doing. Try not to waste time in searching for things. Have a place for everything, and everything in its place.

  • Avoid procrastination: Don't just do what is fun first, get what needs to be done first, done first!

  • Control interruptions and distractions and minimize the amount of time that people take you away from your main objective. Block out time to get away and pursue your priorities.

  • Learn to read faster and selectively: Reading quickly as well as understanding what to read will give you more time to accomplish your goal.

  • Use a calendar: Organizing your days and weeks will save you time, and help you organize your priorities.
"Try not to be a success, but rather, become a man of value.

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