Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Humans are relational beings, and most of us would like our relationships with others to be deeper, richer, more easeful, and healthy.

These affirmations are good reminders of the steps we can take–the qualities we can embody–in order to being our relationships into the best possible balance and health. Read them here:

1. I am loving and kind toward myself and others.

2. I am cooperative.

3. I give and receive the support that is needed.

4. I am fully honest with myself and others.

5. I am independent.

6. I respect the choices of others.

7. I listen with an open heart.

8. I say “no” when I need to.

9. I ask for support when I need it.

10. I am sensitive and respectful of others.

11. I am clear and express my truth in a timely manner.

12. I respond to conflict gracefully, truthfully, and easily.

13. I remember that conflict is an opportunity to learn; I welcome reconciliation.

14. I am enriched by differences.

15. I am ethical.

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