Saturday, May 17, 2008


Parents constantly worry about the well-being and happiness of their children. They are also concerned about how you are going to make a place for yourself in the world. You can honor their hard work and their love for you by making them proud.


Step1 Appreciate everything your parents do for you. Your parents began making sacrifices before you were even born. Show them that you are thankful for providing you with a safe and loving home.

Step2 Share your thoughts and ideas. Parents want to know what is going on in your life. They are not intentionally nosy or prying, but simply trying to be a part of your life.

Step3 Give it your all in whatever you do. Your parents would rather see you try and fail than not try at all. You can always please your parents by doing your best because they know that you aren’t a quitter and refuse to give up.

Step4 Ask for help if you need it rather than risk making a bad choice or wrong decision. You are a kid, and it is okay to get a little guidance from someone who has been there before. Your parents would rather you realize and admit you are in a tough situation rather than muddle it out on your own and possibly hurt yourself or others.

Step5 Show respect not only to your parents, but to others as well. The old adage "do until others as you would have them do unto you" really does ring true. By treating others, especially your parents, the same way you would like to be treated, your parents will be proud of the person you are becoming.

Step6 Be considerate. Show your parents that while you know you are their number one responsibility, you are not their only responsibility. Your parents will appreciate that you understand they have to sometimes juggle schedules or save money before buying you something you want.

Step7 Act responsibly. Your parents might test you as you grow older to see if you are ready to be responsible for yourself. It helps prepare you for adulthood. Make your parents feel they made the right decision by not letting them down with whatever responsibilities they give you.

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