Monday, August 11, 2008


Here are 5 tips on how to live a happy life?

Tip # 1. Study to work on YOU! That means work on personal development. Be involved in self-improvement. Work on your walk-head held high, no slouching, or holding your head down. Smile alot no frowns. Work on your body, mind, and well-being. Read 10 pages a day on a good book to build your knowledge. Be your own library. Listen to audios for 15 minutes. Rise to the occasion and be the best that you can be.

Tip #2. Work on your spirituality! Do know that you are a spiritual being. Know that everything and everyone has a source. Tree-Dirt, Fish-Water, Man-God. That being the case stay close to your source. Pray for instructions, guidance, and understanding. Meditate and read your Bible. Practice fasting so that you can clear your mind and body.

Tip #3 Treat people the way you want to be treated. Love your neighbors like you love yourself. Respect people and yourself. Be kind and send out loving thoughts.

Tip #4 Learn to forgive. Don't hold grudges. Don't keep bad thoughts in your body it will make you sick. Don't have resentment in your heart because that will cause liver problems. Don't be mad at someone that can cause a heart attack. Negativity literally causes a dis- ease in the body. So keep your body at ease and release toxic thoughts and feelings. Learn to cry and let go, that will also relieve toxic when you cry. Crying will make you feel better so do that as often as you like. It doesn't show weakness, it may just save your life- men.

Tip # 5 Help someone. To have a happy life forget about you and help somebody else. When you help someone else, all of your needs will be met too. The saying goes, "If you will help enough people get where they are trying to go, you will be where you want to be." So practice each day to do something nice for someone without looking for anything in return.

These are just a few tips that I have practiced and my life is happy. If you can only do one thing, then prayer is the answer to all things. If you can start your day with prayer, then you will gain understanding, insights and directions that will lead you to living a happy life.

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